Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Haziq @ 3.5mo

3 days ago Haziq turn to 3.5mo. Wow! Dah besa bb tomey Mami ni. hihihihi.... What can Mami expect from Haziq at this age?? Hmmmm.... here Mami will share what i've found from 

By now your baby should:
• Lift head up to 90 degrees while lying on stomach ----------- Haziq is trying so hard utk menerap skg
• Be able to open and close his fingers and bring both hands together -------- He loves to do this
• Smile when around people --------- friendly
• Babble, coo and make facial expressions with greater frequency -------------- really enjoy mumbling!
• Be able to change positions more often --------- of course!! sampai dah tawaf 1 tilam!! hahahha..
• Enjoy playing games like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo ----------- Haziq loves his playgym

By now your baby probably will:
• Enjoy playing with his fingers ------------ Mami noticed this when he was only 2mo
• Put most things into her mouth --------- yeah..likely all that stuff really delicious!! yummy!!
• Stare at strangers with fascination --------- Haziq is soo friendly, so he's not afraid of people..
• Be able to follow an object held about 15 cm away from face and moved 180 degrees, from one side to the other -------------- absolutely right!!
• Recognize certain smells and show disdain for some of them ------------Mami not so sure la..
• Practise swimming movements when lying on his tummy ----------- yeah!!
• Enjoy more vigorous play such as bouncing up and down ----- Haziq really enjoy main timang2
• Show signs of emotional attachment to you -------- oh no! Haziq crying when Mami left him with BS

By now your baby may even:
• Bear some weight on legs when held standing ------- emmmm..i think so
• Turn head in direction of voice, especially mother's voice ----- yes..he turns at Mami & cute!!
• Make a wet razzing sound ------ He jz make saliva bubbles, no sound yet
• Examine objects for a long time ---------- especially when he is 'reading' his book
• Sit up if held --------- yes!! he really love to do this exercise..1,2,3..up!!
• Press her feet flat on the floor or your lap when held in standing position -------yea right!!
• Show preference for some people within your circle of friends and relatives ------- very excited when his kids frens @ cousins playing arround him

my gebu gebu!! ®

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